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Ministry of Crime

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Russia calls Britain's expulsion of Russian diplomat 'unfriendly' | Russia | RIA Novosti

Russia calls Britain's expulsion of Russian diplomat 'unfriendly' | Russia | RIA Novosti: "British Foreign Secretary William Hague's decision to expel a Russian diplomat from the UK was 'unfriendly,' the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, as the latest spat threatens to sabotage the recent improvement in relations.
'The British side made an unfriendly move recently by groundlessly declaring one of the staff members at our embassy in London a persona non grata,' the ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.
'We had to take adequate measures in response. It is regrettable that the move was made just as the first reassuring tendencies in our relations with Britain were beginning to emerge,' the statement said."


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