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Ministry of Crime

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Human rights sites "under constant DDoS attack" | Security | News | PC Pro

Human rights sites "under constant DDoS attack" | Security | News | PC Pro: "
The “cyber war” involving WikiLeaks was only the tip of the iceberg in a wave of political hacking attacks targeting sites with differing opinions, according to a report from Harvard University.
The report from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society investigated attacks against human rights sites and independent media sources and found that attacks were no longer restricted to elections and high-profile media events.

“DDoS attacks against independent media and human rights sites have been common in the past year, even outside of elections, protests, and military operations,” the report said.

“With recent highly publicised DDoS attacks on WikiLeaks, and “Operation Payback” attacks by Anonymous on sites perceived to oppose WikiLeaks, we expect these attacks to become more common.”"


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