Ministry of Crime Headline Animator

Ministry of Crime

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Shot teenager 'was trying to escape gunman'

The Press Association: Shot teenager 'was trying to escape gunman': "teenager was shot dead as he ran through a housing estate in south-east London trying to escape a gunman, neighbours said.
The 17-year-old victim died in a stairwell at a block in Peckham on Wednesday afternoon.
Witnesses said he was desperately banging on the closed door of one eighth-floor flat before the fatal shot rang out. Two other teenagers, one aged 17 and another 18, suffered stab wounds as a group of young men ran amok on the estate.
Detectives from Scotland Yard's Trident unit were investigating whether the murder and stabbings took place during a clash between rival gangs.
Three male suspects, all believed to be aged in their teens, were arrested at the scene and were being questioned at south London police stations. The gunshot victim was found dying in a stairwell at Heron House after reports of an attack at about 4.30pm on Wednesday. He was pronounced dead at the scene."

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