Ministry of Crime Headline Animator

Ministry of Crime

Monday, 7 November 2011

Brodie Clark, the £135,000-a-year head of the UK Border Force, approached the Home Secretary’s office for permission to weaken passport checks

Whistleblowers last night blamed the latest border checks scandal on an official obsession with cutting queuing times at the nation’s air and sea ports.

Staff spoke out following the explosive revelations that a senior UK Border Agency official had secretly abandoned checks on passports and even anti-terror watch lists for non-EU citizens.

Theresa May will today give an emergency statement on the fiasco to MPs, which has led to the establishment of three inquiries.

Suspended: Brodie Clarke is now facing the sack after claims that he relaxed passport checks

Suspended: Brodie Clarke is now facing the sack after claims that he relaxed passport checks

Investigators are examining allegations that Brodie Clark, the £135,000-a-year head of the UK Border Force, approached the Home Secretary’s office for permission to weaken passport checks during the busy summer months. Senior figures say he was explicitly told ‘No’ in writing – but then went ‘rogue’ and implemented the proposal anyway.


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